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Grace O'Hare

Adearth: (pronounced “add-yarth”) A northern Tobru domain named for the local word meaning “highplains.” Population of 13,470.

Algorfell: Large domain in western Tobru province known for its expansive wilderness.

Brightice: (pronounced “brite-iss”) A western Tobru domain famous for its treacherous trade-routes traversed by very few. Also, along with its neighbors Hurdifan, Talyngrad, Colgysk, Amur, Skorkmont, and Skycrag, Brightice is famous for supposedly frequent Medved’ Beis sightings and encounters.

Chimeric: A technical term referring broadly to any creature affected by magic at some point in its ancestry. Can refer to creatures that were built artificially by mages, to animals with features modified by naturally occurring magic, or to creatures that were brought about through unknown magical means. “Anthropoidal” chimerics are chimerics that appear to have human ingredients, so to speak.

Dakatora: (pronounced “dawka-torah”)(singular Dakatin) Ancient civilization of Kellaborn natives descended from the “first wave” settlers, which arrived in Kellabor in prehistory, probably around 1500 BL.

Direberth: A north-western Tobru domain, famous for containing one of the only relatively safe routes over the Sundering mountains. Named presumably for this. Population of 3067.

Drover: The guardian and guide of a “drove” of wegs. Refers both to the profession, as in “weg drover,” and also to the breed of rodi suited to droving.

Firstwaters: Northernmost Tobru domain, famous as being one of the only reliable routes into the Tobru river basin. Named for the headwaters of the Tobru river. Population of 3,012.

Garjen: The word encompasses an entire genus of beaked drake found throughout the old world, but usually refers to the domestic variety.

Gautok: (pronounced “gow-tawk”) Dakatora word for “old-growth forest.” Also refers to the expansive forest in southwest Tobru.

Gribi: Group of Kellaborn people which arrived during the “second wave” of settlement sometime during the Second Age (about 500 TC). They settled in the areas between the Sunders and the Ovrustan steppe, including Gautok forest. They continue to make up a significant population in Tobru province despite colonization by Rowea. They consider themselves “natives,” though when they first arrived in the Tobru river basin they often displaced indigenous tribes which have since been lost to time.

Hurodi: Plural: huroden. Northern word for the large, wolf-like mustelids of the old world. The word refers to wild varieties including the mountain hurodi, also known as direrodi, which is the only species found natively in Kellabor. Domestic varieties are known simply as rodi.

Inonore: (pronounced “inoh-nor”) A northern Tobru domain named for the river that passes through it. Population of 6,500.

Kanai: Dakatora word used by the giant, bearlike creatures of Kellabor (commonly called Medved’ Beis) to refer to themselves.

Keligh: (pronounced Kell-eygh with a velar fricative) word of ancient origin meaning “endless.” Refers to the country bordering Kellabor to the south, as well as the expanse of forest taiga throughout that country.

Kreezin: Also called a cave-rat, these large, usually shy nocturnal rodents are actually more closely related to squirrels than rats. They have short, fluffy tails and enlarged noses, and usually weigh between 20 and 40 pounds.

Kujas: A north-eastern Tobru domain named for the local word meaning “dagger.” Population of 20,060.

Lessalia: (pronounced “les-sailya”) word of ancient origin purported to mean “mountain gateway.” Once referred to the entire southwest area of Kellabor as well as the mountains directly south along the coast. Later refers to the Lessalia province, which contains the southern and middle Sundering mountains, eastern parts of the Cutlass range, and everything in-between and south, including the Crypt Gorge, the Dakatin valley, and the Godspine.

Loatse: (pronounced “laow-tsee”) Word of unknown origin, but most likely from an extinct native tribe. Can refer to geological landmarks: the Loatse range, the westernmost mountains of Kellabor, and the Loatse valley, which lays between the Loatse range and the Cutlass range. Can also refer politically to the North and South Loatse Provinces (not to be confused with the Southern Province, which happens to be directly south of the South Loatse Province).

Loske: A large trading freecity located in Loskir. Due to its large size and prominent location as a trade hub, it is considered a functioning capital city for the nearby domains. Many lords of these domains, which are much harsher and more isolated than Loskir, make their homes in Loske rather than in the domains they administrate. Loske has famously tall and strong walls, which were erected sometime in the 900’s, traditionally believed as a defence against Medved’ Beis attacks, though the city itself has not come under attack for centuries. The population of 11,000 is made up mostly Seivet, with some Gribi and a few indigenous.

Loskir: The bustling domain in middle Tobru which is bordered on its western edge by the Tobru river. This domain includes the large trading city of Loske. Population of 34,460.

Medved’ Beis: (pronounced “med-ved beess” like “bees” but without the “z” sound) Means “Bear Demon,” and refers to the giant, human-faced, bearlike creatures who call themselves “Kanai.”

Motylek: (pronounced “mawt-ee-leck”) A small, somewhat isolated village in northern Brightice. Economy is mostly based on fur trapping, and minorly in farming and livestock. The only trade route from Yorgov, the nearest moderate village, is mostly unmarked and through wilderness, making it somewhat dangerous. The population of 101 is mostly made up of Gribi, though there are a few Seivet families. The number of households has shrunk in the last several decades.

Rodi: Plural: roden. Domestic companion animal descended from the hurodi, a medium-sized, gregarious mustelid. There are many breeds of rodi.

Ruhk: (pronounced “ruck”) Also called the hooded teavyrn. Very large bird of prey found in the highlands, treeless steppes, and alpine tundras of southern Soria.

Ryno: Plural: Rynos. A large wooly domestic rhino brought to Kellabor by Rowean settlers in the 1400s. They are quite similar to ancestral Rowea stock, but are smaller and have thicker coats.

Satsk: A Gribi word meaning “hearth.” Also refers to the wide, bountiful mountain range bordering Kellabor to the East.

Seivet: The Gribi word for Roweans or Northerners. Many settlers have adopted this name to refer to themselves.

Selen: A large village in Talyngrad.

Soria: The southern-hemispheric continent where Kellabor lies.

Sunders: Tallest mountain range in all of Soria, divides Kellabor down its center. Also called the Sundering mountains or the Sunder range. Acts as a border between the Tobru province and the rest of the country.

Sutzgrad: The “capital” province of Kellabor, which has the highest concentration of people.

Suzerein: The political and cultural leader of Kellabor.

Talyngrad: The domain bordering southeast Brightice.

Therthan: The mountains north of Kellabor. Named for the group of people native to the area, the Therths. The mountain range is a subrange of the Kellabors and extends to the very northern tip of Soria.

Tobru: Ancient name of unknown origin which can refer to various geological landmarks including the Tobru river and the Tobru river basin, the province of Tobru, and the commonly-spoken language of Tobrish. This province encompasses the Tobru river basin, the Gautok forest, and the Satsk mountains, as well as parts of the Sundering mountains. It is the largest Kellaborn province and contains the largest number of people, though not in the greatest concentration.

Tur: A shy, mountain-dwelling antelope found in the high mountains of Kellabor.

Weg: A small, domestic, sheep-like animal with a pig-like snout and cloven hooves. The Kellaborn variety was brought to the region by Gribi settlers during the 500’s and is well adapted to the mountainous terrain and cold weather. Kellaborn weg wool is well-known for its strength and warmth. Within Kellabor, there are a few varieties of weg, with one having been interbred with the type brought by Rowean colonists. Since Rowean stock was unfit for the Kellaborn climate, the hybrids were the only offspring to survive. Weg drovers are sometimes colloquially referred to as “weggers.”

Wisent: (pronounced “wiz-ent”) A hardy, thick-furred species of bovine native to Kellabor. The bulls are known for their aggressive dispositions.

Yorgov: A moderate village in the middle of Brightice. It is situated on a trade route which circles through the nearby domains, including Loskir. Despite the frequent trade, it remains a small and closely-knit community.

Zatel: 15-30 pound canine, with large pointed ears and a plume-like tail, common throughout the world. The Kellaborn variety sports a dark horizontal stripe extending from the corner of the eye down the entire body to the tail. During summer they are grey-brown and white in color, and in winter their coat changes to light grey and white. Prized by fur traders.


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