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Aug 2, 202427 min read
TMatB III: The Summer Road
Prologue Lera groaned. She’d been the healer’s apprentice for a year now and expected to be woken before sunrise on occasion, but...

Aug 2, 20246 min read
TMatB II: The Crossing
Prologue The classroom was quiet and empty. Peaceful. Dust motes drifted in the late morning light pouring through the tall, steepled...

Aug 2, 20246 min read
The Moth and the Bear: Book I
Prologue Peter stood on a shallow bluff in his oiled wegskin cloak and surveyed the trail ahead, not sure what he was looking for. The...

Dec 17, 202212 min read
The Grounded Sphinx
A young sphinx finds herself in a bit of a mess...

Aug 31, 20224 min read
First of the Year
[takes place between Book I and Book II. Warnings: blood, animal death] If he could afford it, he would have let this one go. The...
Oct 15, 20216 min read
Adearth: (pronounced “add-yarth”) A northern Tobru domain named for the local word meaning “highplains.” Population of 13,470. Algorfell:...
Oct 13, 20217 min read
Skin Undone
Inspired by a writing prompt The white lace curtain you’re holding aside to peer out the kitchen window is trembling. Something in your...

Oct 9, 20164 min read
Yodeeo DAR: keep pets indoors
Ingrid Forrest, Director of the Yodeeo Department of Anthropoidal Relations, has released a heartfelt PSA urging residents of Yodeeo and nea

May 11, 20164 min read
Bestiary Bookmark: Rodi
Huroden (hurodi singular), along with garjen, are an old original species of mine. Here's an embarrassingly old pic with both garjen and...

Apr 20, 20163 min read
Book Excerpt: Monsters Outside
Here's a short sample of The Moth and the Bear, the beginning of Chapter 3. Enjoy! “Jani… listen,” Kaelin grabbed the eldest Vienn sister...

Apr 13, 20162 min read
It is time!
Heyo everyone! I'm happy to say I can finally bring the good news you've all been waiting for. My book, The Moth and the Bear, will be up...

Mar 20, 20161 min read
Getting the Shot
Sometimes a muse catches my attention quite suddenly, and I get a bit swept away with it. I have to say, this has got to be the case with...
Mar 16, 20165 min read
Scorched Lens- Snippet
Something quick I wrote today about a wildlife videographer, only the wildlife she's filming is a pair of dragons in a crazy-huge forest...
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